French bulldogs are predisposed to spine problems. Pets also suffer from back pain. People, who suffer from herniated discs, know how painful it is. Among the breeds with a greater predisposition for spinal problems, are the Lhasa, Shih Tzu, French bulldog, etc., but any dog can suffer from the disease. Be aware of discomfort when touching or holding your Frenchie. Wheezing, tremor, not being able to find a position to sit or lie down, difficulty walking, dragging his/her paw and losing coordination: if you suspect any of these symptoms, contact an orthopedic veterinarian immediately.
Overweight is a serious change for pets, it overloads the joints and can potentiate diseases such as hernia. Avoid sedentary habits and keep your diet balanced with appropriate rations.
For pets of breeds such as Frenchie dog, who are prone to developing spine problems, it is recommended to avoid going up and down obstacles, beds, sofas and stairs, as it can lead to the worsening of the disease.
Encourage the practice of exercises and physical activities that make the pets develop muscle, such as walking and playing. Muscle strengthening helps to preserve and protect the spine.
When picking up the pet, hold the chest and the pelvic area at the same time. Do not suspend only from the front (chest), as it can cause discomfort and pain. Use a chest collar to give more support and not to force the cervical region.
Massage and affection
Making gentle movements in the pets’ spine helps to relax and relieve pain and tension. But do not use any product without the veterinarian’s indication.
X-ray of the breed
The Frenchie is cute and do well in small spaces – no wonder. This race has become super – popular.
- Large, bulging eyes: They favor infections, dryness of the cornea and even displacement caused by trauma.
- Sensitive bowel: Because of this, diarrhea, vomiting and food intolerance are quite common in the breed.
- Short nose: Difficult to enter and cool the air. Surgical correction is indicated in some cases.
- Folds: Accumulate secretion and moisture, contributing to the proliferation of fungi and bacteria. Bathing and drying well protects the pet.
- Short legs and small size: Make it a candidate for issues column. To avoid, don’t let the bulldog gain extra weight.
If you already have a French bulldog, or want to buy one, consider taking suggestions from an owner. The more tips you have, the better you can identify your dog.