Foi gras is known as the best gourmet indulgences invented by the Romans. They noticed that the geese when flying from one direction to another, get fatter. Observing this, they began breeding it, and later, French people adopted the same and turned it into an art. Nowadays several producers use different methods for its production. That is why it is important to choose the right method to make it perfect and according to its specialties. Here in this blog, we are going to give some incredible ways to serve the same perfectly.
Ways To Choose Foie Gras
If you live faraway places from the specialist’s or producer’s outlet then you are more likely to find chilled and fresh foi gras.
Avoid buying cans that contain the same as it can be terrible. The foie gras that comes in jars are usually pates and not the original liver. You may get the same in a vacuum-packed or wrapped tray which is usually frozen. Always choose the one that looks smoother and rich in color. Be careful as if it has drier parts then it may have problems in freezing or storage and you may not get the real essence of the same.
The next important thing is the handling. You need to check the expiry date and also the freezer which needs to be cleaned and well-maintained to determine the product you are using is perfect or not. It is also important to see the color that needs to be beige to fawn and without any kind of blemish.
Clear The Confusion
There are two types of foi gras available such as duck and Goose. Although both come in high or medium grades and have many similar features, the taste is the thing that differs in them. You may get duck foie gras expensive than the goose one but it also has the potential to serve in the best ways on your plates. The best thing you can do is to try both of them and check out the differences to determine the right choice.
So if you are looking to have foie gras developed by the ancient Roman people, then try these tips and you can perfectly fulfill your purpose. Moreover, whenever we spend on anything, we always expect it to worth it and these tips will allow you to do so.