Ending your marriage can be stressful and draining; you will have to cope with a lot of things at the same time while making sure that you get the cleanest break from your spouse. That is why you need a divorce lawyer. The intricacies of individual cases are different and can impact the outcome of a divorce. Knowing more about divorce can tell how well you cope when the process begins.
Here are a few essential things to know.
The Process Begins with a Petition
If you are initiating the process, you will have to submit a divorce petition to a court in a county where your partner/spouse lives. Also, consider tax implications when filing before a court. The court will then serve your partner a divorce notice, which the person must reply to. When your spouse replies, you can then ask the court to give a ‘default judgment’ in the meantime. After that, negotiations can begin.
Divorce Path
Divorces are typically either at-fault or no-fault; however, there are other types. At-fault divorce describes a divorce initiated by one partner because of something the other did or didn’t do. ‘No-fault divorce’ describes a divorce in which either partner doesn’t take the blame but mutually agrees to a divorce. Your divorce lawyer will advise you on the best divorce path as it fits your circumstances.
Prenuptial Agreements Impact Divorce
Prenuptial agreements (prenups) do impact the way a divorce is settled. Prenups are common these days and will help you get a clean divorce. Although prenup terms cannot be changed once the divorce is finalized or while you and your partner are separated, you can both agree to new terms before the divorce process begins.
Divorce Must Not Be Messy
Having the right mindset about divorce makes it easier for you. Divorce must not be messy or unnecessarily drawn out. The main goal of divorce is to help two individuals begin a new life after getting legally separated. Of course, issues sometimes arise, but it is crucial that you try to keep things simple and clean. Consider your mental health at all times. In the case of kids’ involvement, you have to prioritize their welfare above other things.
Getting a Lawyer
A divorce lawyer will help you go through your divorce as cleanly as possible. But be careful when hiring one. Go for proven lawyers who are familiar with your state divorce laws and can help you get the best settlement.