The Nasdaq Stock Market is an American stock exchange in New York. It is the second stock and securities exchanges in the world. From its beginning, NASDAQ has tried to hold its trades online and not in a physical location and has been able to do that successfully for all these years. It attracts businesses that are oriented to technology and growth. It provides a variety of options to trade if you wish to buy or sell equities. Industries like the computer, high-tech software, internet companies, and more trade on this platform.
Aegion Corporation is an American multinational company that is involved in services like construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, protection, design, and engineering for infrastructure projects. It covers a wide range of industries like oil, power plants, gas facilities, water, food manufacturing, etc. The company aims to keep the infrastructure working better and safer for customers all over the world. They provide the best cathodic protection systems, interior pipe linings, pipeline inspections, pipeline repair capabilities, etc. for maximum protection against corrosion. They also provide expert management and administration to their clients so that their needs are met. They try to make the process as convenient as possible for the clients. You can order what you need online through their site. NASDAQ: AEGN at https://www.webull.com/quote/nasdaq-aegn provides information on their stock market and prices, quotes, and latest news updates on the company.
Huge rehabilitation projects
In August 2020, Aegion Corporation was awarded a contract for wastewater rehabilitation work for more than $4 million in Baltimore County, Maryland. They will rehabilitate 78000 linear feet of sanitary sewer, primarily using trenchless technology, in the community of Essex. The method of rehabilitation does not involve digging, thus benefiting the residents of the area by minimising disruption and also reducing the cost. At least 25% of the project will be performed with support from enterprises that are local or owned by the minority. It is expected to reach completion by 2021.
NASDAQ: AEGN Stock Summary
The stock price of Aegion Corporation (AEGN) is at 17.16 USD. The last 52-week high reported was for $23.62. The company’s price-to-sale ratio is 0.46, which is higher than the ratio of 16.68% of US stocks. It’s one year target is estimated to be $17.67. According to NASDAQ: AEGN, the company is growing at a rate of 869.58% in terms of earnings before interests and taxes, which is higher than98.21% of US stocks. Its weighted average cost of capital is 9%, which is higher than 70.11% of other cases. The effective tax rate is also high in comparison. It is of high importance that the client does adequate research before investing in a stock.You can check this stock information at stock apps. Disclaimer: The analysis information is for reference only and does not constitute an investment recommendation.