Since the diet that a Pug puppy needs is not the same as an adult or senior dog. These are the main nutrients that the food for small or medium dogs that you choose should have in its formula.
Proteins are one of the most important nutrients that you must include in the diet of your Frenchie Dog, necessary for the growth and formation of all tissues. They are made up of chains of amino acids, of which some are made by the body and others must be obtained through food. They can come from meat, fish, bones, eggs and dairy, transformed into flours and nuts in general.
Carbohydrates and fiber
Like humans, carbohydrates in dog’s food provides immediate energy, and the fiber contained in them helps digestion and good intestinal function, by dragging the waste that is eliminated in the stool, favoring a good consistency of the same.
Necessary as catalysts for various chemical reactions, they perform numerous functions, including keeping skin, hair, eyesight, bones, etc. They are obtained from dairy, vegetables, yeast, liver, kidneys and cereals and are also often added as supplements to dog food to achieve a balanced vitamin intake.
Essential fatty acids
They provide energy and keep hair and skin healthy. In addition, they make meals tasty and help in the absorption of some vitamins. In dog food, the fats can be of animal origin, usually stabilized with vitamin E, or vegetable, such as sunflower oil.
They have regulatory and structural functions and are involved in the formation of bone tissue, in neuromuscular transmission, in blood coagulation, in numerous enzymatic and metabolic processes and for proper functioning of the body in general. The mineral sources are meat, liver, fish, dairy, cereals and marrow and also added in the form of supplements of magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and copper.
Antioxidant supplements
Lately manufacturers incorporate some elements that work as antioxidants, delaying aging and the generation of free radicals in the body and increasing defenses, especially those aimed at older dogs. The most common are taurine (an amino acid that acts as an antioxidant and contributes to the proper functioning of the heart), bioflavonoid (which delay cellular aging) and trace elements such as selenium, copper, manganese and zinc, minerals that are essential in the antioxidant process.
French bulldog Puppies need a greater supply of nutrients and will have to eat more often. Their diet will have to be humid in the first 2 or 3 weeks and gradually move to dry.